Geotechnical Engineering
Terrapex firmly believes that the preparation of geotechnical design should be based on the best quality data and the focus of the design is to provide an efficient, economical solution for the project in hand which is tailored to the Client’s specific needs. We are proud of our ability to provide innovative, cost effective, and technically sound solutions to a wide variety of project requirements.
Terrapex’s Geotechnical Engineering Division has developed innovative design solutions for ground engineering applications including slope stabilization, landfill liner design and installation, and geotextile reinforced engineered fills. If there is a value engineering solution for our clients, we will find it.

Slopes and Embankments
- Design of Cuts and Earthfills
- Slope Stability Assessment
- Slope Reinforcement
- Base Reinforcement
- Erosion Protection
- Slope Stabilization
- Mine Tailings Dams
- Water Retaining Earth Berms
Shallow and Deep Foundations
- Evaluation of Soil Bearing Capacity
- Settlement Analysis
- Deep Foundations including Push, Helical, Driven and Auger Injected Piles, and Drilled Shaft
- Support to Existing Foundations including Underpinning
- Evaluation of Earth Pressures
Retaining Walls
- Engineering Design of Mechanically or Gravity Stabilized Earth Walls
- Detailed Computer Software Analysis
- Preparation of Construction Drawings
Ground Improvement
- Geosynthetic and Soil Nail Reinforcement
- Surcharge Loading
- Deep and Rapid Impact Compaction Grouting
Facility Containment
- Clay Liners
- Polymeric Membranes
- Sand Bentonite Liners
- Soil and Cement Bentonite Slurry Walls
Utilites Infrastructure
- Buried Construction – Trenches and Tunnels
- Pipe Jacking
- Pipe Bedding
- Trench Backfill