Excess Soils Management
Excess soil comprises soil and similar material that has been excavated, typically during construction activities, that must be moved off-site because it can’t or won’t be reused at the project location.
The movement of excess soils between project locations is subject to increasing levels of scrutiny and oversight by regulatory authorities and other stakeholders. Poor management of excess soils can result in significant compliance issues for both project leaders and reuse site operators, while the failure to properly plan for the management of excess soils can add millions in costs to a project from unnecessary transportation and storage fees.
At Terrapex, we partner with you and plan out cost-effective solutions for managing excess soils that don’t break the budget.

Terrapex provides a full spectrum of soil characterization and management services, including filing the required reports:
- Assessment of Past Uses
- Design and execution of Sampling and Analysis Plans
- Preparation of Excess Soil Characterization Reports
- Preparation of Excess Soil Destination Assessment Reports
- Posting of notices on the Excess Soil Registry on behalf of soil generator and receiver Project Leaders.
- Integrated with material inspection and testing services during engineered placement of imported soils.