Contaminated Sites
The uses of many properties include activities that may result in the unintentional release or discharge of contaminants to land, water and air. In such circumstances, the immediate priority is to stop the discharge and take steps to prevent reoccurrence. All too often, the residual effects of contaminant releases are not adequately understood or addressed, resulting in increased risk to the users of the property, increased costs to mitigate or remediate, and greater disruption to continued operations.
Terrapex’s multidisciplinary team of professional engineers, geoscientists, environmental scientists, and technicians have the technical expertise needed to tailor a practical approach to assess, mitigate and resolve environmental issues or concerns on contaminated sites. We collaborate to limit disruption to ongoing activities and minimize immediate and long-term costs.

We offer the following services, designed to help you identify and address potential environmental liabilities and realize the full value of an environmentally impaired property:
- Field investigation programs designed to evaluate, quantify, and monitor contaminant discharges.
- In-situ and ex-situ remediation programs to remove, contain, or clean-up contaminated media.
- Risk Assessments to evaluate and manage the risk in circumstances where conventional remedial approaches are either not practical, cost-effective, or desirable.
- Environmental health, safety and compliance services to provide procedural solutions and identify corrective options.
- Liaison with regulators, municipalities, and other stakeholders, both for the purposes of obtaining required permits/approvals and for managing long-term property objectives.
- Management and oversight for the decommissioning of facilities, buildings, and infrastructure.
- Brownfield Redevelopment to realize the full value of unused/vacant urban lands that have yet to realize their potential due to perceived environmental limitations.