Contaminant Remediation
When contaminated soil, groundwater or other media is identified on a property, remediation efforts require an expert approach to avoid unnecessary costs and project delays.
Terrapex’s multidisciplinary team of engineering, geoscience, and environmental specialists have the technical expertise to develop a practical, cost-effective approach to address site contamination and permit your property to be used as intended.
Our staff are committed to identifying the best approach for every property, considering the particular Contaminants of Concern (COCs), technical applicability of a given approach, anticipated costs, schedule, and other project-specific requirements.
Terrapex has the expertise to implement a range of in-situ and ex-situ remedial approaches, including excavation/removal of contaminated soil or other media, groundwater pump and treatment, vapour extraction, biostimulation (bio-slurping or bioventing), chemical oxidation, and natural attenuation.
We partner with you to find the ideal solution for your project. Using the latest tools and technologies, our team of experts can identify viable remedial approaches, and help you identify your preferred remedial approach. In situations where remediation may not be financially or technically practicable, our team can also implement risk-based closure plans (contaminant management strategies) through the completion of Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments.

While site remediation services can be provided on either a turnkey or a supervisory basis, remedial projects undertaken by Terrapex include the following value-added components:
- Review of site conditions and an evaluation of potential approaches
- Preparation of a detailed Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the selected remedial approach
- Development of project specifications
- Liaison with regulators, municipalities, and other stakeholders, both for the purposes of obtaining required permits/approvals and for managing long-term property objectives
- Contractor oversight, including tendering, bid award, management/supervision of the work, and invoice review and payment approval
- Documentation of the successful completion of remedial measures.