Water Balance and Infiltration Studies
Water balance is the hydrologic cycle of precipitation, groundwater infiltration, evapotranspiration and run-off. Urbanization can cause changes to the hydrology of natural features such as wetlands, woodlands and watercourses. The pre-development and proposed post-development conditions of the subject property are characterized, and the changes in water balance are calculated.
Low Impact Development (LID) measures are recommended where development without LID would result in negative effects. LID may include infiltration galleries, permeable pavers, increased topsoil thicknesses, and selection of permeable backfill. In-situ testing of infiltration potential in the proposed location of LID features is undertaken.
Stream baseflow, determination of wetland feature limits, catchment limits and recharge (infiltration) areas are identified. Where wetland features are present, a comparison of the wetland feature and catchment area hydrological criteria conditions for pre-development and post-development conditions, and overall measure of hydrological change are prepared.
Terrapex offers the following services related to water balance and infiltration:
- Estimating post-construction water balances
- In-situ testing of infiltration potential
- Recommendations for low impact development mitigation measures
- Stream baseflow, monitoring and effects calculation
- Sewage system dilution capacity