Vic Nersesian

Profile image of Vic Nersesian

Name: Vic Nersesian, P.Eng.
Title: Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Phone: (416) 245-0011 x 246

Vic joined Terrapex in 2013 as Vice President of Geotechnical Services. In 2022, Vic stepped down as Vice President and continues as Senior Geotechnical Engineer. He has provided geotechnical and environmental consulting services for more than 35 years. He has been involved with numerous infrastructure, industrial, commercial and residential developments which have included the Skydome (Rogers Centre), LBPIA Terminal 3 buildings and associated airside and groundside pavements, roads and bridges, and many high-rise buildings and residential low-rise developments in Toronto and throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

Vic’s experience includes geotechnical design of waste disposal facilities, stability of slopes and earth embankments, reinforced earth and geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls, infiltration and stormwater basin construction and safe slopes, low permeability liners constructed of clay and geosynthetic materials, vibration assessments and associated precision monitoring, and pre and post-construction surveys.

Vic holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto. He is a member of the Canadian Geotechnical Society.